A few years ago, people’s knowledge of AI was limited to science fiction movie depictions. Now, this is a topic that has the world buzzing. Similar to any new trend, the innovation is causing is a major wave of curiosity and enthusiasm. With such unpresented support and backing, companies began to heavily invest in this emerging sector, now making it one of the fastest growing with a prediction in billions by the next decade.
The popularity of AI arose from the thinking that our biological forms are just not enough, for all the tasks we want/need to do and how we do it. This puts a huge pressure on any new technology developed, as it must immensely help someone working. A misconception people often have is that to use AI in any business operations, you have to spend a huge amount of your budget.
However, these tools are becoming increasingly more accessible for users, and don’t require strict investment. Another such common though is that AI will displace humans and make some jobs obsolete. It is no different from other technological advances in that it helps humans become more effective and processes more efficient.

Recently, a team of scientists trained an AI system to examine general health data of 10 years in the UK. Next, they asked the AI system if a particular person is prone to premature death due to any chronic disease. The precision of AI prediction has been tested with prevailing approaches. It has been compared with the statistical ways used by medical research experts to predict actions.
The AI takes numerous factors into account, such as lifestyle, body fat percentage, smoking history, skin tone, possible exposure to hazards, air pollution, medications among others. The question then arises – is this technology that people should even be using? Would people actually be willing to get examined, and if in the case they are, how will they react to hearing about when they will die?
This is not the first time AI provided unsettling results. In 2017, a team of researchers were able to use the technology to demonstrate early onset Alzheimer’s in a few patients. Additionally, another study at that time proved that AI could detect the development of Autism in a 6-month old baby.
While AI would take us leaps and bounds into the future and assist us in nearly all aspects of life, we need to question if we are even ready for this.
As a Marketing consultant and certified digital marketing trainer and digital marketing consultant in Dubai, here’s how you can leverage the rapidly expanding AI market into your future strategies to stay on top of trends!